Happy New Year

New Beginnings

As the clock hand smoothly glided from 11:59 in 2023 to the midnight of 2024, a wave of emotions engulfed me—hope, joy, and the promise of new beginnings. It’s incredible how a mere minute can carry such transformative power. Reflecting on the transition, I can’t help but marvel at the impact of that one magical minute.

Now, let’s talk goals, not resolutions—because, you know, it’s like the tomato and to-mau-to thing. Trust me, it works for me. This year, I’m on a mission to declutter my life, both physically and in terms of how I spend my time. A decade ago, I bid farewell to my home kitchen bakery business. Every year, I’d crack open the storage closet, unveiling pans, cake boards, and a plethora of decorating tools. In 2023, I made a solemn vow to find a new home for my baking arsenal.

Months passed, and my pans were still in limbo. Then, one day, it hit me like a batter-covered revelation—culinary school or a charitable cause! Enter Girls Inc. San Antonio and it was like the universe threw in its matchmaking skills. Girls Inc. had just built a dream kitchen—five ovens, a stainless steel restaurant-grade fridge, and even a prep area equipped with cameras for instructional magic. It was a match made in baking heaven, ticking all the boxes: giving back to the community—check, nurturing the next-gen bakers—check, and giving my baking tools a cozy home—triple check!

Beyond the decluttering frenzy, my goals involve dusting off my guitar and learning a few tunes, mastering basic Spanish (maybe finding a Spanish newbies club for the sheer fun of it), daily meditation for inner peace, and introducing hiking to my fitness escapades. Got any New Year’s resolutions of your own? Anything carrying over into the glorious 2024?

On the author front, my mission is clear: unleash the fourth installment of my steamy romance Love Blossom’s series and keep building my fantastic community.

Happy New Year, folks! May your goals be as achievable as finding a spatula in a well-organized kitchen!